Sunday, October 08, 2006

Binary Opposition: a term used by Claude Levi-Strauss as a part of his argument that narratives are structured around oppositional elements in human culture, for example good and evil, life and death, night and day.

an economic system in which the production and distribution of goods and services in society is organised via a free market for the purpose of maximising profits.

Consumerism: the economic system and variation of capitalism based around the compulsive consumption of goods and services within a framework of lifestyle marketing and advertising.

Ideology: a set of attitudes, beliefs and values held in common by a group of people and culturally reproduced within that community to sustain its particular way of life.

Left-wing: having socialist or communist political ideas that advocate change and are critical of the status quo in society.

Pastiche: a media text made up of pieces from other texts or of imitations of other styles, can be used positively as a deliberate homage to other works.

Political Correctness: the practise of challenging and altering language that could give offence, stereotype or exclude people because of their disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or political views.
It evolved from liberation movements in the USA in the 1970s, which challenged the injustices of discrimination.

Social Realism: the representation of characters and issues in film and television drama in such a way to raise serious underlying social and political issues.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo! i'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse. haha!
i reckon there are some areas of overlap in both our studies.
Your looking at Romero and he could fall under the catergory of being an auteur - as you said he doesn't consider his films to be sequals to one another. So by looking at how he's an "auteur" you can see if this influences the director(s) of shaun of the dead to not follow the conventions of the zombie genre.

And for me, as your looking at genre, the genre theory is the opposing argument for the auteur theory so i can make a judgement on if genre still has an impact.

Jatinder xxx

4:04 PM  

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