Monday, October 23, 2006

Blog Buddies

Jatinder (13C) - Tarantino and Film Authorship
A short summary: Jatinder's study is on Film Authorship and if it is stil important in Hollywood, she is looking at Kill Bill and Tarantino as an auteur.

Areas of overlap: Area of overlap would be the opposing argument of auteur which is genre. Also the work of Romero could be seen as auteur, like the work of Tarantino. Tarantino's
films would also follow codes and conventions of the genre he chooses.

What I have learnt: Genre and Auteur are seen as the same thing, however, auteur is becoming insignificant.

Sonal (13D) - Representation of Women changing in Slasher films
A short summary: Sonal is looking at the representation of women in slasher, paying particular attention to 'Creep'

Areas of overlap: Slasher is the sub-genre of Horror, both zombie films and slasher falls under this sub-genre. There is an overlap in audience, economical context and narrative. The media language is also an area where both our studies are similair.

What I have learnt: Critics assumed that horror was a genre for male viewers, sadistically watching the female victim.


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