Sunday, March 18, 2007

Self Evaluation...again

Attainment - 1, i'm always trying my best in media =D
Effort - 2, there are just times when i dont on Monday mornings
Punctuality -1, always come to lesson on time
Submission and quality of homework - 2, It seems that whenever i do my repertoire of element sheets its never good enough for mr bush
Ability to work independently - 1, sometimes i find it easier to work indepedently
Quality of writing - 2, i havent actaully written in agges!
Organisation of Media folder - 2, its sorted...but my genre stuff is abit here and there
Oral contributions in class - 2, i dont mouth off as much as i used to
Quality of coursework - 1, its the best coursework i've ever done (ha)
Standard of Module 5 blog - 2, i stopped posting after handing in the the coursework. Althought i was suppose to do a post on 'Hot Fuzz'
Standard of Module 6 blog - 2, i dont actaully spend much time on this blog.

b. Make a list of three targets/areas for improvement to be achieved before study leave.
Sort out my genre stuff in my folder
Start revising properly
...uff i cant think of one more


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