Sunday, September 03, 2006

M.I.G.R.A.I.N Analysis
Media Language
Over the shoulder shots
Zooms in/out
Use of reflections
Handheld camera work
Off center composition/framing
Music parallel/contrapuntal with situation.

Parallel => The Specials – Ghost Town
Contrapuntal => Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now

Universal Pictures
British Film

Romantic, Shaun has to save his relationship with Liz
Zombie, the zombie element
Comedy, Ed and Shaun’s relationship

White, working class – Shaun in a dead end job
Goes to the pub to unwind
Ethnic minorities – man who owns corner shop
Some female dominance – Ed and David fail to help Shaun where as he gets help from Liz and Dianne.

Fans of Pegg and Frost, Spaced
People who enjoy British comedies

Mock the mundane lifestyle; it’s a mindless routine (mindless like zombies)
Family values – Shaun has to save his girlfriend and mum.
Non-nuclear family, Shaun has a step-dad
Patriarchal – Shaun is the leader/hero

Shaun needs to save his relationship with girlfriend Liz, without giving up his long time friend Ed. He has to see his mum and dodge the zombies too.


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