Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Simon Pegg interviews George A Romero
The writer/star of 'Shaun of the Dead' discusses zombies with the daddy of the genre

1968's 'Night of the Living Dead' and sequels 'Dawn of the Dead' (1978) and 'Day of the Dead' (1985), George A Romero delivered plentiful gore and a bitingly satirical take on contemporary America. Among his devotees were Simon Pegg and his 'Spaced' director Edgar Wright, whose affectionate pastiche, 'Shaun of the Dead' (2004), led to friendship with Romero. The latest entry in George's own cycle, 'Land of the Dead', sees human survivors holed up in a swanky skyscraper, 'Fiddlers Green', surrounded by slums. Outside, the walking dead begin to close in…http://www.timeout.com/film/news/631.html
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThis interview mentions a lot about the wider context of Romero's films, looking particularly at the political context.


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